City of

Instructor Led Online Hadoop Training

Ad ID 33440
  • Language: English

Price:Rs.. 25000.00

1. Intro to Hadoop, BigData
What is BigData?
Parallel Computer vs. Distributed Computing
Brief history of Hadoop
RDBMS/SQL vs. Hadoop
Scaling with Hadoop
Intro to the Hadoop ecosystem
Optimal hardware and network configurations for Hadoop
2. HDFS – Hadoop Distributed File System
Linux File system options
NameNode architecture
Secondary NameNode architecture
DataNode architecture
Heartbeats, Rack Awareness, Health Check
Exploring the HDFS Web UI
LAB #2:  HDFS CMD Line
3. Beginning MapReduce
MapReduce Architecture
Shuffle and Sort
Exploring the MapReduce Web UI
Walkthrough of a simple Java MapReduce example
Use case: Word Count in MapReduce
LAB #3:  Running MapReduce in Java
4. Advanced MapReduce
Data Types and File Formats.
Driver, Mapper & Reducer Class Code.
Build Map & Reduce programs using Eclipse.
Serialization and File-Based Data Structures
Input/output formats
Run Map Reduce locally and on cluster.
LAB #4:  Java MapReduce API
5. Hive for Structured Data
Hive architecture
Hive vs. RDBMS
HiveQL and Hive Shell
Managing tables
Data types and schemas
Querying data
Partitions and Buckets
Intro to User Defined Functions
LAB #5:  Exploring Hive Commands
6. Overview of NoSql and HBase
Introduction of NoSql.
CAP Theorem.
HBase architecture
HBase versions and origins
HBase vs. RDBMS
Data Modeling
Column Families and Regions
LAB #6: Intro to HBase Command Line 
7. Working with Sqoop
Introduction to Sqoop
Import Data
Export Data
Sqoop Syntaxes
Database Connection
Lab#7: Hands on exercise on Sqoop and mysql DB.
Thanks & Regards,
H. No: 7-1-621/10, Flat No: 102, Sai Manor Apartment, S.R. Nagar Main Road, 
Hyderabad-500038, Landmark: Beside Umesh Chandra Statue, Approach Road Parallel to Main Road
Mob: 91-8179736190, Ph: 040-40154733 
USA: +1 (701) 660-0529