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Online Mule esb Training in Hyderabad

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Rs. 25,000.00

  • Language: English
Course Outline:
1. Introducing the Anypoint Platform
Learning what Anypoint Platform is and the problems it can help you solve
Getting familiar with the components of Anypoint Platform
2. Building Integration Applications with Anypoint Studio
Understanding Mule applications, flows, messages, and message processors
Creating flows graphically using connectors, transformers, components, scopes, and flow control elements
Building, running, testing, and debugging Mule applications
Reading and writing message properties
Writing expressions with Mule Expression Language (MEL)
Creating variables
3. Consuming Web Services
Understanding RESTful and SOAP web services
Learning about what RAML is and how it can be used
Consuming RESTful web services with and without RAML definitions
Consuming SOAP web services
4. Connecting to Additional Resources
Connecting to files, databases, and JMS queues
Connecting to SaaS applications
Discovering and installing connectors not bundled with Anypoint Studi
5. Transforming Data
Getting familiar with the different types of transformers
Transforming objects to and/from XML and JSON
Using Jackson annotations for more complicate JSON to object mappings
Using JAXB annotations for more complicated XML to object mappings
Streamlining complex data transformations with DataSense and the DataMapper
Creating custom transformers with Java
6. Refactoring Mule Applications
Separating applications into multiple configuration files
Encapsulating global elements in a separate configuration file
Creating and running multiple applications
Creating and referencing flows and sub flows
Understanding variable persistence through sub flows and flows and across transport barriers
7. Controlling Message Flow
Understanding and creating synchronous and asynchronous flows
Multicasting a message
Routing message based on conditions
Filtering Messages.
8. Handling Errors
Handling messaging exceptions in flows
Creating and using global exception handlers
Specifying a global default exception strategy
9. Processing Records
Processing items in a collection individually
Understanding what batch jobs are and when to use them
Creating batch jobs to process items in a CSV file or a database
Restricting record processing to new records
10. Building RESTful Interfaces with Anypoint Platform for APIs
Understanding the benefits of RESTful APIs and web services
Using the API Designer to define APIs with RAML
Implementing a RAML file as a RESTful web service with Anypoint Studio and APIkit
11. Deploying Applications
Understanding the options for deploying applications
Adding application properties
Deploying and running applications on CloudHub
Deploying and running applications on Mule ESB
12. Transforming Data with DataWeave
Learning what DataWeave is
Writing DataWeave expressions for basic and complex XML, JSON, Java, and CSV
Using DataWeave operators
Using DataWeave to transform data structures with associated or custom metadata
H. No: 7-1-621/10, Flat No: 102, Sai Manor Apartment, S.R. Nagar Main Road, 
Hyderabad-500038, Landmark: Beside Umesh Chandra Statue, Approach Road Parallel to Main Road
Mob: 91-8179736190, Ph: 040-40154733 
USA: +1 (701) 660-0529

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